Poverty is a complex problem and there is no one model – no one answer – that will fix everything. The simple way would be to look at one part of the problem and then to try and solve that part. But that’s not what Phoenix Family does. Each person is unique and why they are experiencing poverty is also unique, so the solutions must be personal and tailored to fit.
Here's what we're doing to help.
The line of success is clear: children who read at grade level are more likely to graduate from high school. And those who graduate from high school are more likely to pursue further education or get a job. Phoenix Family and the Trent Green Family Foundation have made it our top priority to ensure that all children we serve read at grade level before they reach middle school
Phoenix Family provides services to more than 3,000 families every day. With 200 local partnerships, we help famiies find lasting solutions to complex problems. Our programs combine short-term assistance to meet immediate critical needs with long-term services that address the root causes of poverty.
The number of senior citizens is increasing at the fastest rate ever seen in our country’s history. Phoenix Family's Senior Empowerment Program improves and maintains the status of older adults in terms of their personal economic development, health, and community engagement, leading them to a higher quality of life and allowing them to age in place with dignity and choice.